Emotional Intelligence: Your Business Development Superpower

Emotional Intelligence: Your Business Development Superpower!

Price: Member $0 | Non-member $99

Research shows that Emotional Intelligence can get you further in life than a traditional I.Q. Emotions that are properly managed can drive trust, loyalty, commitment, and better health! Attend this session and learn how to manage your emotions in positive ways to communicate effectively, build and maintain client relationships and increase leadership skills.

Audience takeaways:

  • Gain a baseline awareness on the 4 Cornerstones of EQ (Emotional literacy, Emotional fitness, Emotional depth, Emotional alchemy) and how they impact the workplace and your personal life.
  • Learn how to self-identify EQ Strengths and weaknesses.
  • Learn how applying the 5 pillars of emotional intelligence (Self Awareness, Motivation, Empathy, Self-regulation, Social Skills) to your BD strategy can help you communicate your brand message in a way that is thoughtful, authentic, and human.

Attendees will return to their firms with increased level of self-awareness and knowledge on how to practice their new skills and become better communicators which will in turn increase productivity and business.

9/28/2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Online registration not available.

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